Why Weight Loss Direct?
Because…. It Allows You to Work Smarter NOT Harder to reach your Wellness GOALS!
Direct to YOU… in the comfort of your home at LESS Cost.
Imagine a transformed body with the Weight Loss Direct Classic Program!
Discover why Weight Loss Direct may be the MOST Advanced & Innovative Program for Weight Loss & Wellness, utilizing the Powerful Weight Loss Intelligence Analysis & Algorithms to create PERSONALIZED programs including:
- Personalized Food Plan
- Personalized Supplements Plan
Weight Loss Direct gives you the tools to transform your life
- Consumer Guarantee!
- Comfort, Convenience, & Privacy of your own home!
- Weekly video tele-coaching with your personal coach
- 1 on 1 -Support – No Group Meetings
- 24/7 advanced email and text support with VITA
- 3 New Programs wellness and weight loss program offerings
- Up to 1 year support with some plans
- Direct to Consumer Savings
- New payment options/plans
- Proprietary intelligence application
- Personalized Programs
- Custom food plans for each individuals body
- Custom supplement plans to support individual’s unique needs
- Streamlined access to digital manual, journal, & weight loss analysis
- Members only Client Portal with program-approved recipe options & program tips
- No Shots
- No Surgery
- No Drugs
- No Shakes
- No Prepackaged Foods
- Natural
How Does Weight Loss Direct Work?
WLD utilizes Hydro-Molecular, a Powerful & Proven Molecular Hydrogen rich water. Molecular hydrogen has been shown to be involved in nearly every aspect of physiology, especially at the cellular level, improving metabolism while protecting organs, tissues, cells, DNA, RNA and mitochondria.
WLD utilizes VITA, the 24-hour intelligent text messaging system that interprets your daily weights and your questions and proactively guides you to success on a daily basis.
While nearly every other program focuses on the food, Weight Loss Direct focuses on optimizing the cells and balancing the body.
Weight Loss Direct is an Advanced and Innovative Wellness & Weight Loss Program, comes with a consumer guarantee, and works with you for up to a year to help ensure your results.
Don’t Delay! Start Weight Loss Direct Today!
Your Personal Weight Loss Direct Coach is here to help guide you to success.

Your Transformation & Success Journey
1. Weight Loss Direct Consultation
During your initial evaluation and consultation with a Weight Loss Direct™ Wellness Coach, they will provide you recommendations and options.
2. Weight Loss Direct Intelligence
Analysis After you choose the program that best matches your unique needs, you will log into Weight Loss Intelligence™ Analysis with your personal WLD Wellness coach.
3. Uniquely Personalized
Your personal Weight Loss Direct coach will review your analysis with you and ship your personalized program directly to you with specific instructions.
4. Program Review
Upon receiving your personalized Weight Loss Direct program, you will call your personal coach, who will thoroughly review the program with you, setup future appointments, and provide you with a direct contact to guide you successfully on your journey… With Weight Loss Direct you are never on your own!
5. Follow Up & Accountability
Weigh yourself each morning using the Body Composition Analysis (BCA) scale provided with your program and text your weight to VITA, our computerized virtual assistant / concierge. Your BCA scale (included with the program) provides the most complete & accurate assessment of your wellness & weight loss goals
Measures 9 Critical Factors including:
- Weight
- Body Fat Percentage
- Body Water Percentage
- Body Water Mass
- Visceral Fat
- Metabolic Age
6. Work Smarter Not Harder
Follow the Weight Loss Direct Protocols & Personalized Plan
- You get to choose your own foods (no prepackaged foods)
- Follow the supplementation, protocols, and dietary restrictions of the proven Weight Loss Direct Protocols
7. Transformation!
Enjoy your Weight Loss & Wellness Success Journey
- Nearly every day on the weight loss portion of the program you should make progress towards your goals
- Your personal Weight Loss Direct coach will help guide you to success over the course of up to one year
- Celebrate your achievements of moving toward or reaching your wellness or weight loss goals
Finally a personalized weight loss program, that’s designed specifically for you. While being guided by your own personal coach, all in the convenience of your YOUR HOME…Weight Loss Direct is your solution.
It’s all about Convenience & Results.