Weight fluctuations can be eye-brow raising. When you’ve been making healthier everyday choices – it can be downright frustrating seeing the scale bounce around from day to day rather than just going down like (we think) it should!

You’re working out, you’re drinking water, you’re eating your fruits and veggies but your weight is just bouncing up and down- so what’s the deal?!

Well just know you are most certainly NOT alone. In fact everybody’s weight fluctuates from day to day (even during times of weight loss) and there are many reasons this can happen.

Before you feel frustrated and head to the kitchen to down a sleeve of cookies – take a minute to read below… Here are some of the most common reasons your weight might be seeing daily weight fluctuation.



1.Water retention

The average adults weight will change between 5 and 6 pounds every day! One of the biggest reasons for this fluctuation is our water weight. Our bodies are made of roughly 60% water. When that water level is not balanced the body tends to hold on to more water than it needs. This excess water weight can lead to bloating, puffiness, swelling, AND weight fluctuation.

The most common reason for this is a poor diet with excess sodium, refined carbs, and processed foods or drinks. Additionally water retention can be caused from certain medications, menstrual period, and long periods of inactivity. (Water retention)

Water retention may be a big reason for daily weight fluctuation but you can avoid it pretty easily. You can cut down on water weight by eating less salt, avoiding refined carbs, and eating more potassium rich foods. You can also cut down on the water your body stores by drinking more water! Some researchers believe that drinking more water can help reduce unnecessary water retention. (Just add water)



2.Practicing consistency when you weigh yourself

When it comes to weight management consistency is key. If you want to truly and accurately track your weight loss progress you need to weigh yourself with as little change as possible from day to day. If you weigh yourself in the morning before you eat, drink, and get dressed and then weigh-in the following day after breakfast in your winter clothes – you’re going to weigh a bit heavier! In fact almost everything you do throughout your day will effect your weight.

Because of how easy it is to make your weight fluctuate the best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning. It is also a good idea to wear the same thing every time you weigh yourself so you have the most accurate results!




Our bodies don’t digest alcohol the same way it digests other beverages. Alcohol takes longer to get through the system and slows the digestion of other substances. Additionally – Alcohol is a diuretic meaning it makes your body rapidly lose liquids which upsets your H20 balance. This imbalance leads to your body holding on to what it has = water retention. This is one of the reasons we tend to wake up feeling a bit heavier and puffier after a night of drinking. (Alcohol as a Diuretic)

Alcohol can also lead to impaired judgement leading you to eat unhealthy foods that also contribute to a higher number on the scale the next morning.




When exercising we not only burn calories but we sweat and lose H20. If you’re not properly hydrating before exercise you may weigh-in lighter one day, but once you do get the water needed – your weight may seem to bounce right back up. This isn’t weight gain but simply your body building up the water it requires to stay hydrated.

When exercising we also tend to envision the scale shooting down almost instantly, but keep in mind that exercise builds muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Depending on your exercise routine you may be building up more muscle than you realize – some may even see the scale go up a bit! However, with a consistent healthy diet and exercise routine your body will increase in muscle mass and begin burning excess energy stores to get the scale going the way you want. ( Exercise and weight )



5.All food and drink have SOME weight

When you are tracking your body weight its important to remember that anything you eat will lead to some weight gain. Even if its not permanent having that food in your system adds weight. When you enjoy a late dinner this can lead to higher numbers during morning weigh-in. (Water retention)

Think about it like this: drinking a glass of water will add weight to your body because it has weight. However – healthier foods and drinks will pass through your body much faster. This means a healthier diet will have less fluctuation, you may not want to think about it but you do lose weight when you poop.




Weight loss isn’t necessarily equivalent to “optimal health”. Health comes from proper nutrition, exercise, and self-care. Never deprive your body of the vitamins, minerals, energy, and h20 it needs because you think the lower the number on the scale the healthier you become. Here is a standard guide in finding your ideal weight range based on your frame size, height, and gender. It will help you set reasonable and attainable goals!

First – to determine your body frame scale – wrap your fingers (thumb and second finger around your wrist) https://www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=744547

  • If fingers overlap – Small Frame Size
  • If fingers touch – Medium Frame Size
  • If fingers do not touch – Large Frame Size

 Women:                                                                        Men:

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Remember – weight fluctuation is just that – it fluctuates – its not set in stone. It won’t take one day of eating salads to drop weight or get healthy and one “off-day” won’t ruin your diet (as long as you get right back onto it).

The key is to stay positive when you’re not seeing results you expect, don’t give up, and reassess your routine to identify any obstacles hindering your efforts! Remember – healthy choices lead to a healthier and happier life where the weight loss ultimately becomes a bonus!

So don’t be discouraged after a day of indulgence when you jump on that scale – a little fluctuation never hurt nobody – just keep your head high and continue to make choices that are good for you and your body! Trust us, it’ll pay off in more than just weight loss.

Changing your mindset to simply “treating YOU better” rather than “weight loss to get skinny” can also help you better achieve long-term health goals – its about a healthy lifestyle rather than just dropping lbs.