When it comes to weight loss there is no such thing as a one size fits all solution. Everyone is unique in how their bodies react to outside stimulus, so it makes sense that we need to understand and cater towards our bodies when trying to reach our goals.

From your age to where you live many different factors affect your ability to manage weight. At Weight Loss Direct we use a proprietary system to find the best solutions for each of our clients but here are some of the most important considerations when establishing your goals.

In this article we will discuss some of the major factors that should influence your personal weight loss program



Its no secret that as you age it becomes harder to lose weight.

The simplest reason weight loss becomes a challenge is that your metabolism slows down. As you age your body need less energy to maintain itself. When people move from the growing stage of their life to the aging stage their body begins to run more efficiently as it is not constantly developing.  On average your metabolism will begin to slow by 10 percent each decade after your 20’s.

Another factor age plays in weight management is muscle loss. A paper published in the Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care states that after the age of 30 muscle mass begins to decrease at a rate of 3-8% each year and it increases after the age of 60.  This loss in muscle mass contributes to higher likelihood of injury, it can also make it harder to stay active leading many people to live a sedentary lifestyle.

When it comes to losing or simply managing weight its important to take your age into consideration. As we get older some goals become harder to reach and others are just unrealistic. We aren’t saying people should give up on losing weight as they age but its important to understand your body’s limitations. Working to establish a personalized weight loss program that recognizes your limits will be easier on your body, more effective over all, and minimize the chance of injury.



When it comes to effective weight management a person’s gender also plays an important role.

Scientists have yet to fully understand the difference in weight loss between men and women but there have been many studies proving that a difference exists.

For starters women actually have a more efficient metabolism. An article in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism found that women are more efficient at conserving energy and storing that energy as fat. In fact, during pregnancy women can actually increase their body fat percentage without increasing their energy intake or decreasing their energy expenditure. While exercising a woman will actually burn a higher percentage of fat compared to a man but most healthy people only spend about 5% of their day exercising. This means a woman’s superior energy storage will generally outweigh their raised fat-to-glucose fuel mixture while exercising.

Because of their ability to conserve energy it can be harder for women to achieve the same weight loss goal as a man. This means a woman will generally take longer to see the same results as a man if they maintain the same diet.

It’s important to understand that some people can take longer to lose weight than others. This allows us to set goals that better reflect your body and its limits.



Genetics are another area to consider when planning a weight loss program.

A scientific study published in 2019 tested 788 different people to see if genetics does play a role in weight loss. Each participant in the study was given counseling from a nutritionist that came with personalized exercise and dietary recommendations. Each subject was also tested for 25 different nucleotide variants commonly found in obese people researchers were able to score each participant.  At the end of the 5-year study researchers found that participants with more of the 25 tested nucleotides had lost less weight than lower scoring participants.

Now we aren’t saying genetics are the only factor when trying to lose weight but it can make a difference. For example, if someone’s parents are obese there is a higher chance they are genetically inclined to be large as well. However, this doesn’t mean they have no choice in the matter. By exercising or eating right anyone can reach their fitness goals.

Your genes don’t determine your fate but its important to acknowledge that some people may have to work harder or pay extra attention to their diet to reach their goals.


Your current level of health

The final factor when establishing a personalized weight loss program is understanding your level of health right now. Its important to be honest with yourself and what you can reasonably expect to accomplish starting off. When you go online and find a generic weight loss program you have no idea if it was designed for busy college student or a 250-pound man that goes to the gym twice a day.

It may sound cool to do 100 push-ups every day but trying to hit that goal without any build up can lead people to give up early or injure themselves. The same goes for people that are only interested in dieting. There are so many diets and programs that tell you what to eat but ignore the fact that everyone’s body has different needs and limits. A personalized weight loss program is always a healthier option because it takes you into consideration.


The Takeaway

The most important think to consider when attempting to lose weight is your health. Everyone reacts differently to stimulus and a personalized weight loss program is the best way to make sure you are doing what’s best for your body. By keeping the factors we discussed in mind you can work to establish a safe and effective weight loss program. A personalized weight loss program also helps you set realistic goals that present a challenge and keep you motivated!


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